Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Typing Services - Mistake #6 Untargeted Marketing

Mistake 6: Untargeted marketing.

Many home based secretarial services think that every business or entrepreneur is their market. You don't want to advertise to everyone hoping that someone out there will need your typing and secretarial services.

Your marketing and advertising has to be targeted to your goals to generate sales. Untargeted marketing is ineffective and will cost you money. Target your promotions and messages to the type of clients you want to work with and the kind of typing and secretarial work you want to do. For example, if you want to provide medical transcription to doctors, you should go to medical facilities instead of putting flyers on bulletin boards at grocery stores. If you are targeting students, go to colleges.

Be sure to know your preferred audience. Then advertise in publications your customers will read. Research which advertising medium will be effective for your typing and secretarial business.

Find out what marketing methods have proven to work for successful secretarial services. Visit

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Typing Services - Mistake #5 Failing to Market or Marketing Inconsistently

Mistake 5: Failing to market or marketing inconsistently.

Lack of marketing is the biggest mistake secretarial service businesses make. They may send out flyers, postcards or letters once, or call a prospect once, or place one ad once, and then they'll expect the phone to ring off the hook. The key to marketing is repetition. It usually takes more than one contact for a customer to start using your secretarial services. In fact, it typically takes 5 to 7 contacts. You want your name to be in front of your customers and prospects on an ongoing basis. You want them to think of you when they have a problem and need typing or secretarial services. If your prospects have seen your name only once, and your competitor is sending them a mailing every month, your competitor will get their typing and secretarial work.

Find out what marketing methods have proven to work for successful secretarial services. Visit

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Typing Services - Mistake #4: Not Specializing.

Mistake 4: Not specializing.

Successful typing services and secretarial services specialize. Do you want to target academia, legal, medical clients? Do you want to provide word processing and transcription services? For example, Ann Johnson's Legal Transcription or Creative Designs immediately indicates what those people specialize in. Specializing does not mean that you have to turn down other secretarial work or typing work. But you can reach your market better if you appear to be a specialist in a particular field. For example, if you put an ad in the Yellow Pages with a name like "A Winning Resume" you'll be taken more seriously as a resume writer than if your ad says "Tina's Typing Services." Determine what sets you apart from other typing services and secretarial services, and then emphasize your uniqueness.

Secretarial & typing work from home. How to start a home-based secretarial service business and get legitimate freelance typing & data entry work from home. Visit